If you vote in-person, or by absentee ballot, please look carefully on the ballot for the District's Referendum question. First, look for the Referendum Heading, and then the Silver Lake Jt School District ballot question. The referendum question asks if taxpayers approve the district borrowing 7 million dollars to repair the Riverview Elementary School. Each voter is asked to vote "yes" or "no" on the question. Yes means you approve the referendum request and No means you do not approve. If you need more information, please visit the website!
1 day ago, Riverview School
Ballot Sample Referendum 2025
Forward Exam Information
1 day ago, Riverview School
Letter From Ms. Zackery
Forward Info page 1
Forward Info page 2
Game Day!
2 days ago, Riverview School
Game Day
Enjoy your Day off!
3 days ago, Riverview School
No School Today
Visit our new Library Media page with numerous wonderful resources for our students! Watch for more info on LMS resources and how to use them! https://www.silverlakejt1.k12.wi.us/page/lms
4 days ago, Riverview School
LMS Page
3rd Grade went on a field trip to do some research for their next Art Project. https://youtube.com/shorts/ee84qDiQZts?feature=share
7 days ago, Riverview School
3rd grade art excursion
Kindergarten discussed 2D and 3D art and then made their own pinch pot with model magic. After studying different lines, they created their own line sculpture.
8 days ago, Michelle Gauger
Kindergarten discussed 2D and 3D art and then made their own pinch pot with model magic.  After studying different lines, they created their own line sculpture.
8 days ago, Riverview School
Riverview's ALICE Drill has concluded. We know that while important, this is an uncomfortable topic to think about. If you have any questions, please feel free to contact a member of our admin team.
9 days ago, Riverview School
We will be conducting an ALICE drill beginning at 2:30. While the drill is in progress, visitors in the building will be required to participate in the drill; those attempting to enter the building will not be allowed access until the drill is complete. After the drill is complete, an additional email will be sent to confirm the drill has ended. Thank you for your understanding as we work to create and maintain a safe environment for your children.
9 days ago, Riverview School
Coding Club is Starting. Please use the QR Code or this link to register: https://forms.gle/piL2VKHQe3DXwMyu7 Spots are limited and sign up will close once full.
9 days ago, Riverview School
Coding Club Sign Up
Join the Riverview Family!
9 days ago, Riverview School
Employment Opportunity
Join the Riverview Family!
9 days ago, Riverview School
Employment Opportunity
Let's see what is happening around Riverview this spring. https://heyzine.com/flip-book/901cc78d68.html
9 days ago, Riverview School
Game Day!
9 days ago, Riverview School
Game Day!
6th Grade Vocab Fun!
9 days ago, Riverview School
6th Graders Working
6th Graders Working
10 days ago, Riverview School
Evening! I was asked to resend this sign up form for the TALENT SHOW. A few students missed the deadline. Sign Up will be closed on Wednesday, 3/5 at midnight so please sign up by then. Here is the link: https://forms.gle/UuvQcDRo9QQPksYo9 There will be 2 practices the week before spring break, so please be practicing on your own as much as possible. The talent show will take place Monday, 3/31 at 6pm. Email Mrs. Strasser with any questions at jstrasser@silverlakejt1.k12.wi.us. Have a great week!
10 days ago, Riverview School
Talent Show Sign Up
10 days ago, Riverview School