Happy Holidays from a few of your Riverview Friends!
Board of Education approves Ballot Question for Spring 2025
At its December 17 meeting, the Silver Lake Jt 1 Board of Education approved placing a referendum question on the April 1, 2025 ballot to address critical Riverview Elementary School facility needs.
According to district officials, the proposal addresses three key areas: infrastructure, safety, and learning spaces. The ballot question seeks voter approval for projects totaling $7 million. If approved by the voters, the proposal will add an estimated $13.75 per month or $165 per year to property taxes, for $300,000 property.
A recent community survey conducted by Silver Lake-Salem Jt. 1 School District revealed that 59.6% of all respondents and 90% of school families support a proposed $7 million capital referendum.
“The District has many deferred maintenance and security needs that must be addressed to protect our students, staff, and the integrity of our school building and grounds. These are large-scale projects such as roofs, heating and ventilating, and security that simply can’t be paid out of a single year’s operating budget,” said Superintendent Kim Taylor.
“We were very pleased that the survey revealed that the community would support a referendum. The Board and I took that as a positive signal to move forward to referendum.”
The Board unanimously approved the resolution and ballot question.
At the meeting, Taylor said that the district will begin an information campaign after the first of the year about the proposal to help all voters make an informed decision on April 1, 2025 ballot question.
8th Grade Learning Some Real Life Skills.
Junior High receives some real life lessons.
Today we talked about Wassily Kandinsky and how he listened to music while creating art. Using voice and choice., kindergartners choose their colors, subject, and brush size. They also learned how to use and care for paints and brushes.
This Week's TOPS Students
Congratulations to Heaven Blumerich. She is one of the winners for the Anderson Arts coloring contest. She attended the awards ceremony held at the center this past weekend.
Holiday Dress Up Days
📅 First Practice: Monday, 12/16/2024
🕒 Practice Times: Mondays and Thursdays, 3:30 PM - 4:15 PM
Please make sure your student has a signed permission slip turned in to Mrs. Klein before our first practice. Students without a signed permission slip will be unable to participate.
In art, 4K students, had fun dancing to snowman songs, listening to a book on how to build a snowman and using their fine motor skills to make their own snowman. Artworks will be on display in 4k. Families can view their student's art on Artsonia.
Kindergarten-4th Graders Winter Concert Finale.
4th and 5th grade afterschool game club is CANCELLED for today (Wed. Dec. 11). Students should go home the way they normally would at dismissal. Thank you for understanding.
7th grade students created Keith Haring inspired art to share with the school and community. Students collaborated on positve messages they wanted to share. Their works and statements can be found throughout the school.
This Week's TOPS Students.
Dear Riverview Families,
We all dream of a bright future for our children. In today's technology-driven world, their success will increasingly depend on understanding how technology works.
That's why our school is excited to join the largest learning event in history: The Hour of Code, during Computer Science Education Week (December 9-15). With over 100 million students worldwide participating, the Hour of Code is a powerful way to prepare our students with essential 21st-century skills. We actually take it a little further and extend Hour of Code through the month of December. We want to give your children an opportunity to learn things like basic coding concepts, problem-solving skills, and collaboration and teamwork, which will help them in many dynamic and professional fields in the future.
We want to make our Hour of Code event at Riverview truly impactful. To do this, we need your help! Please have conversations with your children about what they are doing in Tech Class. Have them log in and show you what "coding" looks like in their grade. It will have a big impact on helping to instill the importance of technology in our world.
This is our chance to make a real difference in the future of education at Riverview. For more details visit hourofcode.com...maybe try a project of two yourself!
Let's prepare our children for a brighter future together!
Substitutes Needed!
Congratulations to this month's Salute Award recipients.
Last November TOPS Winners.
November TOPS