Thank You Wilmot High School and Mrs. Ivan, for inviting us to Wonderland!!

Thank you for an AWESOME night!

Stop by Culver's tonight and pick up some dinner, ice cream, or some yummy cheese curds and visit with some of Riverview's AWESOME STAFF like Mrs. Gauger, Ms.Moldenhauer, Mrs.Schilz, Mrs.Thompson, Mrs.Rose, Mrs.C.Jastrab, Mrs. Zackery, Mrs.Johnson, Mrs.Bush, Mrs. Dziewior, Mrs.Rassmussen, Mrs.Taylor, Mrs.Hajduk, Mrs. Smits, Ms. Patty Jastrab, Mrs.Hasselburg, Mrs.Klein, and Mrs.Wojtkiewicz.

We have dinner planned for you!! Stop at Culver's Monday Night!

Happy November!
Here is this month's Comet Connection. Thank you for staying connected!

Keep an eye on your mail and please take our short survey! Stop by November 19th with questions or to learn more.

Thank you W.E.'s family for the donation of blocks!

Don't miss out! Add our App today!

3D printers are getting calibrated and ready for use this year. Stay tuned....

Join Our Family!

Employment Opportunity

4th Grade is enjoying an open studio!
Next week 4th grade will be making collages for our
Veterans Day Service.

This Week's TOPS Winners!

Next week is Red Ribbon Week! This year's theme is "To be drug free, it takes tenacity!" We don't have school on Monday, but please join us in dressing up Tuesday-Friday!

Employment Opportunity

Keep everything "Riverview" right in your Pocket!

Congrats to our undefeated Girls B Team for their win against the Lakewood Raiders! Keep going strong, Comets!!

3rd Grade Pinch Pot Pumpkins are ready to go home!